Organic product - supplementary lamb and mutton
Level: Advanced
In organic production feed must be largely produced on the farm itself, be free from GMOs and must be grown without the use of unnatural chemical pesticides and mineral fertilisers. Contracting authorities that set the sustainability requirement at the advanced level for organic product also contribute to the implementation of extra measures for improving animal welfare and environmental sustainability, such as longer grazing period.
- Type:
- Technical specification
- ID:
- 10400:2
- Group:
- Lamb and mutton
Criterion text
Products of lamb and mutton must be produced in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliment and of the Council on organic production and labelling of organic products, as well as the following requirements:
- Sheep and lambs must be outside day and night during the grazing period as defined in the country of production.
- At least 50 percent of their daily feed intake – calculated as dry solids – must come from grazing during the grazing period.
- The animal keeper works in accordance with a preventative healthcare plan and veterinary inspection upon any sign of poor animal health. With the exception of vaccination, preventative treatment using medical preparations is not permitted.
- During surgical procedures, the animals must be given anaesthesia and analgesia.
Upon request the supplier shall be ready to present, for example, one of the following:
- Certificate or labelling that meets the above requirements, e.g., KRAV certificate or another label that meets the requirements.
Proposed follow-up
One method of follow-up is through spot checks of delivered products. The information provided by the supplier in its tender is then checked/examined, for example by:
- ensuing that details regarding product labelling – such as the KRAV label or other labelling – are accurate.
- ensuring that other documentation provided shows that the requirement is met.
Information about the criterion
The sustainability requirement at the advanced level for organic product – supplementary (lamb and mutton) means that, in addition to satisfying the EU Organic regulations, there are even further-reaching requirements relating to animal welfare and environmental considerations, such as longer grazing time.
Note that feed from grazing does not refer to processed feed such as hay or silage.
This requirement limits market access for individual products.
Regulation (EU) 2018/848 entered into force on 1 January 2022 and replaced Regulation (EC) 834/2007.
Amongst other things, requirements for organic products contribute to the A Non-Toxic Environment and A Rich Diversity of Plant and Animal Life environmental quality objectives. An organic farm contains an average of about 30 percent more species of plants and pollinators than a conventional one.
Time spent in the open air and a sufficient intake from grazing are particularly important aspects of organic animal husbandry. The regulations for organic products state that animals must spend as much time as possible outside, as long as the weather and ground conditions allow for it2. The advanced-level criterion for organic products includes several points of added value from an animal welfare and environmental perspective. Sheep and lambs must be at pasture day and night during the grazing period, and more than half of their feed intake must come from grazing. A longer time grazing allows the animals greater opportunity to satisfy their natural grazing behaviour. Increased grassland farming can also contribute positively to biological diversity. Surgical procedures must be performed using analgesia in addition to anaesthesia. Animal keepers must also implement animal healthcare measures in accordance with a preventative healthcare and veterinary inspection plan, which is an important measure for keeping antibiotics use at a low level.
Versions history
The version date indicates when the sustainability criterion was created or last updated. Last reviewed dated tells when we last checked that the sustainability criterion still is relevant.
- Current ID
- 10400:2
- Version date
- 2020-12-21