Free-range systems indoors

Free-range hens move freely indoors in large pens with litter on the floor. The hens sand bathe on the floor and have access to perches at different heights and nest boxes to lay their eggs in. There is a difference between a single- and multi-storey system. Multi-storey systems have several shelves (floors), and the hens can choose at what height above the floor they want to be at different times. The hens often move throughout the system but seek higher ground when it is time for the night's rest.


Environmental goal
Agenda 2030
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Free-range systems indoors
Production form - free-range system indoorsCoreTechnical specification
More sustainably produced soy in animal feedCoreTechnical specification
No synthetic colouring in feedCoreTechnical specification
Responsible use of antibiotics - Chickens, turkeys and hensCoreSpecial contract terms
Information about the origin of the raw material - egg and milkCoreTechnical specification
No beak trimming - chickens, turkeys and hensCoreTechnical specification
Health reporting systemSpearheadTechnical specification