Compare criteria

On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

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Health monitoring and preventive animal health care - milk

Technical specification
Criterion text

Milk must be sourced from dairy farms that continually document important parameters in connection with the animals' health and that implement preventative measures for hoof health. The following health parameters must be documented on an ongoing basis:

  • The number of animals that die in the herd, along with the reason for the deaths
  • The number of animals treated for sicknesses, the preparations used and the reasons for treatment
  • The number of cows and heifers that are inseminated, and the results from calving (number of stillbirths). 

The parameters must be able to be monitored over time to allow corrective measures to be taken as needed.

The following preventative measures must be implemented: 

  • Hooves must be inspected and trimmed as needed



Envrinmental Goals
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