Compare criteria

On this page you can compare different criteria and levels between each other, to help you decide which ones are best suited to use in your procurement. You can compare up to three criteria.

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Contents of metals in finished hides and leather

Technical specification
Criterion text

Products shall comply with the following requirements for residues of the following metals.

Substance CAS-no Requirement
 Chromium VI  18540-29-9 Average conc. max 3 ppm (test report with analysis according to: CEN/TS 14495 or equivalent)
Arsenic 7440-38-2 No residuals (detection limit 1.0 ppm, test report with analysis according to: CEN TC 309 WI 065 - 4.3 or equivalent)
Cadmium 7440-43-9 No residuals (detection limit 10 ppm, test report with analysis according to: CEN TC 309 WI 065 - 4.3 or equivalent)
Lead 7439-92-1 No residuals (detection limit 10 ppm, test report with analysis according to: CEN TC 309 WI 065 - 4.3 or equivalent)

Random sampling of technical documentation showing that heavy metals listed in the requirement are not exceeded may be requested upon conclusion of contracts and during the contract period.

Envrinmental Goals
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Jämför kriterie 3, formuläret skickas in automatiskt när ett alternativ har valts